29 New Years Resolution Ideas for a Fresh Start and a Fabulous 2024!

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Setting New Years resolution ideas? Our suggestions aim to inspire personal growth, healthier habits, and new skills for a fulfilling year ahead.

new years resolution ideas

Every year, it feels like I’m on repeat—I ambitiously set those big resolutions, and then come February, I'm left scratching my head wondering where my gym shoes scampered off to.

If this rings a bell, rest assured you've got plenty of company. After diving into what seemed like an endless pile of self-help books and falling down a fair few internet rabbit holes (apparently 80% of New Year's resolutions fizzle out by the time Valentine’s cards hit the shelves), I’ve curated a list of 70 genuinely attainable goals that'll fit snugly onto your 2024 vision board—and they're sticky enough to last.

Whether it’s staying hydrated enough to make a cactus jealous or stealing moments for some precious 'me-time,' this guide is jam-packed with modest yet mighty life tweaks that could spell out big wins for you.

So keep those peepers peeled—you’re about to uncover just the right spark to keep your motivational flame burning bright all year round!

This post is all about New Years resolution ideas.

New Years Resolution Ideas 

Achievable New Year's Resolutions for 2024

1. Physical Health Goals

Getting my body in tip-top shape is high on my list. I'm kicking things off by creating a cozy bedtime routine, because good sleep is a game-changer. No more scrolling on social media right before bed—phone's going away an hour earlier to help me drift off into dreamland easier.

Slapping on sunscreen even when the sky's all gray? You bet! UV rays are sneaky. Plus, I’ll start stretching every morning to keep my body as limber as a gymnast.

Eating habits matter, too! Chewing slowly lets me enjoy every bite and flossing daily keeps my smile bright. Regular meals at the same time each day? That’s the plan—to get everything running like clockwork.

Oh, and sugar—we need to break up; it's not sweet for inflammation.

Ready for some mental refreshment? Let's dive straight into mental health goals next!

2. Mental Health Goals

So, I've got a few mental health goals that really make sense. Let's talk about practicing intentional breathing. Just focusing on your breath can calm the mind like magic. How cool is that? Also, cleaning for 5 minutes daily isn't just good for your space; it tidies up the mind too.

Another thing I'm doing is carving out time for self-care—it’s non-negotiable! Instead of watching TV all evening, why not pick up a gratitude journal or join a yoga class? Feels good to be thankful and stretchy, right? Plus, getting into habits like these can help manage stress big time.

Say goodbye to endless scroll sessions on social media—taking a full day off each month boosts my mood and helps me connect better with family and friends in real life.

You see, weaving these little changes into my days has been a game-changer. It helps me keep my headspace clear and makes sure I’m taking care of this noggin’. Because hey—happy new year means happy new you!

3. Personal Growth Goals

Shifting gears to personal growth, I need goals that help me be my best. I want to call my loved ones more because it feels good to stay connected. Staying hydrated is a must; drinking plenty of water keeps me going strong.

Living simply hits home too – less stuff means less stress.

I'm all for trying new things; it keeps life spicy! Taking breaks often also helps me recharge my batteries. To mix things up, moving around instead of sitting makes a big difference in how I feel.

Getting really good at one recipe? Now that's a fun challenge with tasty results! With money on my mind, setting a monthly budget will keep my savings looking healthy.

Thinking bigger than myself, volunteering touches lives and fills the heart – gotta do more of that! Mini adventures give me stories to tell and smiles for days. Sending handwritten letters brings back the joy in surprise mail, while ditching bad habits paves the way for happier days ahead.

These steps aren’t just ideas; they're little changes that add up to one big, brighter future – let’s make it happen this year!

4. Simple Goals

Living simply and consuming less can do wonders. It's like hitting the reset button on life's clutter—both mental and physical. I make it a point to clean out my closet regularly, letting go of things I don't need.

Trust me, it feels amazing! Plus, embracing to-do lists every day keeps me focused without feeling overwhelmed.

Sending handwritten letters is another simple goal that brings joy to me and my friends. It adds a personal touch in this digital world we live in. And guess what? Completing a no-spend month is not only achievable but also boosts my savings big time! These simple acts are powerful; they create space for what really matters and help keep life balance in check.

Now, I'm all set to talk about some goals that will grow me as a person..

Achievable Personal Growth Goals

7. Calling family members more

I've got a great idea for my New Year's resolution – calling family members more often. I know life gets busy, but hearing a loved one's voice can really make my day.

  • Set a weekly call time: I'll pick a day each week to reach out to my relatives. Maybe Sundays will be my go-to.
  • Use reminders: My phone or computer can help me remember. I'll set up alerts so I won't forget.
  • Track my calls: I might keep a little log of whom I called and when. This way, I see how well I'm doing.
  • Start small: If every week feels like too much, maybe twice a month is better at first. It's all about taking baby steps.
  • Enjoy the chat: These calls aren't just to check off a list. They're for real quality time with people who mean a lot to me.
  • Share news and listen: It's not just about what’s going on with me. Hearing their stories matters too.

8. Drinking plenty of water

I want to make my 2024 vision board really pop with great goals, and I know just the one to start with – drinking lots of water! It's a change that seems small but trust me, it's huge for both mind and body. So, here are some cool ways I plan to get my eight glasses a day and maybe inspire you too!

  • Grab a water bottle that shows off my style. If I love how it looks, I'll carry it everywhere!
  • Set phone alarms every couple of hours because sometimes we all need a little nudge.
  • Eat water - rich foods like cucumber and watermelon – they're snacks and hydration rolled into one.
  • Track my intake with an app because who doesn't love hitting goals on their screen?
  • Infuse flavors by adding lemon or berries. Delicious water? Yes, please!
  • Reward myself for meeting daily targets – maybe an extra episode of my favorite show.

9. Living simply and consuming less

I'm all in for living simply and consuming less. It saves me cash and clears up my space, which just feels awesome.

  • First, I focus on what I need instead of what I want. This means buying things that last long and serve a real purpose.
  • Making a list before going shopping stops me from buying stuff just because it looks cool or is on sale.
  • I gave myself a rule: for every new thing I bring home, something old has to go. It's like a trade-off to avoid clutter.
  • Creating a monthly budget helps keep my spending in check. Watching where my money goes can be eye - opening!
  • Getting into the habit of using things until they're really worn out is another trick. Jeans with a hole? Time for some funky patches!
  • Choosing to repair rather than replace items not only saves money but also teaches me new skills.
  • Borrowing books from the library instead of buying them keeps my shelves clear and supports my local community.
  • Swapping clothes with friends is fun! It feels like getting a whole new wardrobe without spending a dime.
  • I started growing my own herbs and veggies. Sure beats buying them, and they taste amazing straight from the garden.
  • Opting for walks or bike rides over driving if it’s close by is better for the planet—and for staying fit.

10. Trying something new

Living simply opens up space in my life. It's like clearing out a room just so I can dance in it, try new moves, and fill it with music.

  • Trying something new
  • Explore National Parks – nature is full of surprises. Each hike brings a chance to see something wild or find a quiet spot nobody else knows about.
  • Pomodoro for productivity – this technique involves working hard for 25 minutes, then resting for 5. Sounds easy? Well, it's all about staying focused and then giving yourself time to breathe.
  • Cook an exotic dish – pick a country, any country, and dive into their cuisine. Maybe I'll mess up the first pancake but hey, practice makes perfect!
  • Join a club – book clubs, gardening groups... you name it! Meeting folks who love what they love might teach me a thing or two.
  • Learn an instrument – ever tried strumming a guitar or hitting keys on the piano? Music has its own language and learning it is totally rewarding.
  • Build something by hand – there's nothing like seeing something tangible that I’ve made. Could be a birdhouse or maybe just fixing that wobbly chair leg.
  • Say yes more often – within reason, of course! This means giving green lights to opportunities instead of passing them by out of fear.

11. Taking more frequent breaks

Trying something new can be fun and refreshing. So, let's dive into one of the big personal growth moves - taking more frequent breaks.

  • Breaks boost your brainpower. Just like muscles after a workout, your brain needs rest to perform at its best.
  • I feel happier when I step away for a few minutes. It's like giving myself a mini vacation from work or study.
  • Using the Pomodoro technique really works! I focus for 25 minutes and then break for 5. It keeps me productive without feeling worn out.
  • Short walks during these pauses do wonders. They get my blood flowing and clear my mind so I can tackle tasks with fresh eyes.
  • Snack time doubles as break time for me. I grab some fruit or nuts and it’s this little moment of peace in my busy day.
  • Daydreaming has become part of my break routine too. Sometimes, doing nothing is doing something. It lets those creative juices flow!
  • Chatting with someone during my downtime lifts my spirits and strengthens social ties - even if it's just texting a friend "hi."
  • I find that when I follow my break schedule, sticking to other goals becomes easier, like drinking more water or moving more.

12. Moving more and sitting less

Taking frequent breaks is just the beginning. Next up, let's talk about moving more and sitting less. We all know it's good for us, right? Getting our bodies moving can shake off the sluggish feeling that creeps up after hours in a chair.

  • Explore National Parks. They're everywhere, and they're perfect for getting your legs moving and heart pumping. Plus, they've got that fresh air we all need.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique. Work for 25 minutes then take a five - minute walk. It's simple and keeps you from being glued to your seat.
  • Stand up when on the phone. Chatting with friends? Get up and move around while you talk. You'll burn more calories without even noticing.
  • Dance it out! Put on your favorite tunes and dance around your room like nobody's watching – 'cause they probably aren't.
  • Park further away from store entrances. Those extra steps count, trust me.
  • Take the stairs, not the elevator. You'll feel those leg muscles tomorrow, but hey, that means it's working!
  • Try a walking meeting at work instead of sitting in a conference room. Fresh ideas come with fresh oxygen to your brain!
  • Commit to evening walks after dinner. It helps with digestion and gives you quiet time to reflect on your day or plan for tomorrow.

13. Perfecting one recipe

Moving from getting up and about to focusing on a delicious goal, let's talk about perfecting one recipe. I mean, imagine being the star at every potluck with your signature dish!

  • Pick your favorite or a new challenge.
  • Collect different recipes for inspiration.
  • Get the right tools and ingredients.
  • Practice, practice, practice!
  • Taste - test with family and friends.
  • Take notes of the changes.

14. Setting a monthly budget

Just got the hang of that one amazing recipe? Nice! Now let’s dive into something else super important – setting a monthly budget. It's like giving every dollar a job to do, and guess what – I’ve got some tips to help make it happen.

  • Start with your income. Write down how much money comes in every month. It could be from jobs, gifts, or even selling stuff you don't need anymore.
  • List all your must - pay expenses. Rent, food, transport, and bills go here. These are the costs that keep our lives running smooth.
  • Don’t forget savings! Putting money aside for later is key. Think of it as paying yourself first.
  • Keep track of other wants and wishes. This includes going out, shopping for cool things, or hobbies you love.
  • Find ways to cut back if needed. If you’re spending too much, look at what you can change – maybe eat out less or pick cheaper fun activities.
  • Use tools to help you out. Apps and spreadsheets are great for watching where your money goes.
  • Check in regularly on your budget plan. See if you're staying on track or need to tweak some things.

15. Volunteering more often

I've got a super idea for the New Year. How about we all try to volunteer more? It's something that can make a huge difference and it's definitely doable.

  • Pick a cause you care about. Maybe animals, trees, or helping other people.
  • Start small. You don't have to save the world in one day.
  • Find local groups that need help. They are everywhere and always looking for extra hands.
  • Set a schedule. Decide how much time you can give and stick to it.
  • Get your friends involved. It's more fun with pals and you'll do even more good together.
  • Share your experiences on social media. It might inspire others to join in too.
  • Enjoy the feeling of helping. You'll likely feel happier after volunteering, which is awesome!
  • Offer skills you already have. If you're great at something, use it to help others.

16. Taking mini adventures

Hey there! I'm adding "taking mini adventures" to my New Year's resolutions, and I think you might like this idea too. It's a fun way to grow as a person without needing much.

  • Find local spots you've never visited. Even in your own town, there's always somewhere new to explore.
  • Plan a "day - cation." Pick a place within driving distance and spend the day there doing touristy things.
  • Use apps that suggest hidden gems. They can show you cool places nearby that aren't well - known.
  • Have themed adventures. Decide on a theme like 'art' and then visit places related to it, like galleries or street art spots.
  • Challenge yourself with nature. Go for hikes in nearby parks or forests and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Turn errands into explorations. Next time you have errands, take a different route or stop by an interesting shop along the way.
  • Join community events. Look for local festivals or markets – they're mini adventures waiting to happen.
  • Be spontaneous! If someone invites you last minute, just say yes and see where it takes you.

17. Sending handwritten letters

I want to talk about sending handwritten letters. It's a really good way to make my friends feel special and keep in touch.

  • I pick out fun stationery or cards that show off my style. Sometimes, I find cool ones at the Dollar Store that don't break the bank.
  • Writing by hand lets me say things in a unique way - it feels more personal than a text or email.
  • In each letter, I share little stories or jokes just like we're chatting face-to-face. It makes the person reading it smile big time.
  • I add doodles and drawings to give an extra touch of 'me' to my messages. It's kinda like leaving a piece of art with them!
  • To remember birthdays and special days, I put dates on my calendar. This way, nobody gets forgotten and everyone gets a surprise in their mailbox when they least expect it.
  • Handwritten thank - you cards are a must after someone does something nice for me – they're simple but say so much.
  • Stamps are part of the fun – picking one that matches my note's vibe or theme is something I enjoy doing.
  • Once in a while, I write letters to myself too! Yep – future me loves getting wise words (and maybe some gentle teasing) from past me.

18. Ditching bad habits

Getting rid of bad habits is a huge step in personal growth. I know it's not easy, but taking small steps can lead to big changes. Here's some of what I'm doing to kick those pesky habits:

  • Understand why you want to stop. Really think about the reasons the habit is bad for you.
  • Set clear and simple goals. Knowing exactly what you want helps you stay on track.
  • Replace the bad with good. Find a better habit to fill the space of the old one.
  • Get friends to help out. They can remind you why you're working so hard.
  • Keep a journal of your journey. Writing down your struggles and wins makes them more real.
  • Celebrate small victories. Every step forward is worth being proud of.
  • Don't give up when you slip up. Everyone makes mistakes; just keep going!
  • Make your environment help you. Put things around that remind you to stay strong.
  • Be patient with yourself. Change takes time, so don't rush it.

Achievable Mental Health Goals

19. Practicing intentional breathing

Let's talk about breathing on purpose. It's a big deal for keeping your mind in a happy place.

  • Taking deep breaths on purpose helps calm your brain and body. Imagine filling up a balloon slowly; that's how you should breathe.
  • Sit or stand in a comfy spot, close your eyes, and just focus on breathing in and out. You'll notice other thoughts slip away.
  • Aim to breathe deeply for five minutes each day. You can do it waiting for the bus, or even while sitting at your desk.
  • Counting helps keep your mind on breathing. Try this: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, then whoosh it out for 8 seconds.
  • Use reminders like sticky notes or phone alarms. They'll nudge you to take those deep breath moments.
  • Making it a morning ritual can kick - start your day. Breathe before your feet hit the ground from bed, and feel more ready to tackle the day.

20. Spending 5 minutes a day cleaning

I've found that just spending 5 minutes a day cleaning can make a huge difference. It's about keeping my space tidy and my mind clear. Here's how this small change has been a game-changer for me:

  • It sets the tone for my day. When I wake up, I spend those first few minutes tidying up, which helps me start with a win.
  • My stress melts away when I look around at a clean room. There's no chaos to make my heart race.
  • I focus better without clutter. With everything in its place, there are fewer distractions.
  • Finding things is a snap now! No more hunting for keys or that one bill when it's time to head out or pay up.
  • This habit spills over into other areas of life. Once you start keeping one part clean, you want the rest to match!
  • Guests can pop by anytime without me worrying. My place is always just 5 minutes away from guest - ready.
  • Cleaning often means less work later. A quick swipe each day keeps big messes at bay.
  • I take pride in my home now because it feels good to live in a clean space.

21. Making time for self-care

Self-care is like a secret sauce—it keeps my mind and body happy. It's so important; it helps me stay calm and feel good all over.

  • Set aside "me time" every day. This could mean reading a book, taking a warm bath, or just sitting quietly with my thoughts.
  • Find a self-care buddy. It's easier to stick to my self-care routine when I have a friend to share the journey with.
  • Make sleep non - negotiable. I aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to recharge.
  • Create a calming playlist. Music works wonders for my mood, so I've got a go - to list of tunes that relax me.
  • Learn to say no. It's tough but turning down things that stress me out gives me more time for the stuff that makes me smile.

22. Watching less TV

I'm making a big change this year by watching less TV. It's amazing how this small switch can help my mental health and let me connect more with others.

  • I find more time to read books or play games, which is great for my brain.
  • My creativity skyrockets – without TV, I dream up all kinds of new hobbies and projects.
  • Turning off the screen lets me sleep better; there's no blue light to mess with my zzz's.
  • Chatting with friends and family becomes way easier when I'm not glued to the TV.
  • I get outside more, whether it's for a walk or an adventure, fresh air wins every time.
  • My room looks tidier since I'm not always in front of the TV – who knew?
  • Saving money becomes a piece of cake because I'm not tempted by ads telling me what to buy.
  • Cooking at home happens more often, which is healthier than munching on snacks in front of a show.
  • There's that proud feeling of having control over what I spend my time on – no random channel surfing!
  • Believe it or not, workouts become regular; instead of another episode, I hit the gym or do yoga.

23. Adopting an attitude of gratitude

Adopting an attitude of gratitude really changes how I see the world. It's all about noticing and appreciating the good things, big or small.

  • I keep a jar in my room. Every day, I write down something I'm thankful for on a piece of paper and drop it in.
  • This "do-it-now" rule helps me. Right when I feel grateful for something, I pause and really think about it.
  • Going outside can make a difference too. When I double the time I spend outdoors, somehow, everything seems better.
  • Saying 'thank you' more often keeps gratitude on my mind. Even for little things, like someone holding the door.
  • Sharing what I'm grateful for with friends or family makes my day brighter – and maybe theirs too!

Achievable Physical Health Goals

24. Creating a bedtime routine

I know how tough it can be to get a good night's sleep. So I’ve made it my mission to create a bedtime routine that really works for me.

  • First off, I pick a bedtime and stick to it every night, even on weekends.
  • I've got this cozy ritual where I drink a warm, non - caffeinated drink, like herbal tea.
  • Slipping into pajamas is my signal to my body that it's time to wind down – comfiest clothes ever!
  • Now, here's the kicker – no screens an hour before bed. That means goodbye phone, tablet, and TV. It’s tough but worth it.
  • To calm my mind, I read a book or listen to soft music instead of scrolling through social media or watching shows.
  • Also super important – I keep my room dark and cool because it tells my body that sleep time is near.
  • Oh, and I wear sunscreen during the day; not exactly part of the nighttime routine, but it helps keep my skin healthy around the clock.
  • A quick tidy - up of the bedroom makes sure there’s no clutter messing with my zen.
  • Then comes some gentle stretching or deep breathing exercises to get all those kinks out from the day.
  • And lastly, I reflect on what went well today – practicing gratitude helps me end the day on a positive note.

25. Developing a skincare routine

Alright, let's switch gears from setting up a solid bedtime routine to focusing on our skin. Caring for our skin is just as vital. Here's how you can build a skincare routine that sticks:

  • Pick the right cleanser for your skin type. Your face will thank you! Whether it's oily, dry, or somewhere in between, there’s a perfect match out there.
  • Remember to moisturize every day. Hydrated skin is happy skin, and it doesn't take much time.
  • Sunscreen is a non - negotiable step—wear it daily! It fights off those sneaky UV rays that try to harm your skin.
  • Exfoliate, but not too much. Doing this 1 or 2 times a week keeps your skin smooth without overdoing it.
  • Toner can be your best friend; it helps balance your skin after cleansing.
  • Treat yourself to a face mask weekly. Think of it as a mini spa day!
  • Keep an eye on how your skin reacts (really observe). Sometimes products seem great but don't play nice with our skin.
  • Don’t touch your face all the time; this can spread germs and cause breakouts.
  • Drinking water isn’t just good for your body—it’s great for your skin too! Guzzle up!
  • Stay consistent with mealtimes because guess what? Your diet affects your skin.

26. Slowing down while eating

Eating too fast can lead to all sorts of tummy troubles. I found that taking my time with each bite makes a big difference in how I feel.

  1. Chew more – I count how many times I chew each bite. It helps me eat slower and digest better.
  2. Put down the fork – After every bite, I place my fork back on the plate. This gives me a pause before the next bite.
  3. Enjoy the flavors – I focus on the taste of the food, which makes me appreciate it more and eat slower.
  4. Time your meals – I use a timer to stretch out my meals to at least 20 minutes. Longer meal times help me slow down.
  5. Eat without tech – No phone or TV means fewer distractions, so I pay attention to my eating speed.
  6. Sit down to eat – Eating at a table instead of on-the-go helps me relax and take it slow with my food.
  7. Share meals – Dining with others usually means chatting, which naturally slows down how fast we eat.
  8. Practice mindfulness – Being aware of each mouthful encourages me to enjoy my meal without rushing.

27. Being consistent with meal times

I've learned that sticking to regular meal times can really shape up my physical health. It turns out, having a set schedule for eating does wonders for your body.

  • Your body loves routine. Eating at the same times each day keeps your internal clock ticking smoothly.
  • Keeping a schedule helps control hunger. You won't find yourself snacking all the time if your next meal is just around the corner.
  • Regular meal times mean better digestion. Your stomach gets ready to break down food more efficiently.
  • It balances your blood sugar levels. This can keep you from feeling tired or cranky between meals.
  • Planning meals makes healthier choices easier. You're not grabbing just anything when hunger hits—you've got a plan.
  • Consistent eating supports weight management. Regularity can prevent overeating and help maintain a healthy weight.

28. Flossing every day

So, you're thinking about flossing every day? Good for you! It's a top goal for physical health in 2024. Let's dive into why this simple task can make such a big difference in your life.

  • Your smile gets brighter, and I'm not just talking about looking good. Clean between your teeth, and they'll thank you by staying pearly white.
  • Gum health is no joke, seriously. Flossing fights off bad gum stuff that can cause trouble later on.
  • Flossing reaches where your toothbrush can't go – like a secret agent cleaning up those hidden spots.
  • Say goodbye to bad breath. Yeah, that's right. Floss gets rid of food hiding in your mouth that can make breath stinky.
  • It’s not rocket science; flossing helps prevent other health problems linked to not taking care of your teeth and gums.
  • Saving money sounds great, doesn't it? Taking care of your teeth now means fewer dentist bills down the road.

29. Waking up at the same time every day

I am all about making small changes that have a big impact. One of the best moves I've made is setting my alarm for the same time every day. It sounds simple, but oh boy, it makes a difference. Let me break down why this one's a game-changer.


So, you've got a bunch of cool ideas to kick off 2024 just right. Picture your vision board brimming with these goals - it's like a roadmap to an awesome you! Remember, big change starts with small steps; pick one thing and really go for it.

Cheers to making the new year count—let's make those dreams happen! And hey, who knows? This might be the year we stick with our resolutions past January. Let’s do this!

This post was all about New Years resolution ideas.

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