At, we believe in giving credit where it is due. We may occasionally feature content from other creators, including but not limited to images, graphics, videos, or written materials.

Whenever content from other creators is used on the Blog, appropriate credit will be provided to the original source.

1. Image Credits:

Images used on may be sourced from various places, including stock photo websites, creative commons platforms, or collaborations with photographers and artists. In such cases, we will provide image credits and attribute the work to the original creators or copyright holders.

2. Guest Posts and Contributions:

When we publish guest posts or accept contributions from other writers, the author’s name and brief bio will be included with the content. The views and opinions expressed in these guest posts belong solely to the respective authors.

3. External Content and Resources:

We may occasionally link to external websites, resources, or articles that complement our content or provide additional information. While we strive to link to reliable and credible sources, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currentness of the content on external websites. Clicking on these links and accessing external content is done at your own discretion.

4. Fair Use:

In some cases, we may use copyrighted material under the principles of “fair use” as defined by copyright law. This includes the use of copyrighted material for commentary, criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. In such instances, we will always provide proper attribution and cite the source of the material.

5. Removal of Content:

If you are the original creator or copyright holder of any content featured on and believe that its use violates copyright laws or your rights, please contact us immediately. We are committed to resolving any legitimate concerns and will promptly remove the content if necessary.

We value the work of all creators and strive to respect intellectual property rights.

If you notice any discrepancies or have any questions regarding the use of content from other creators on, please feel free to contact us through the provided contact information on the website.

Thank you for your understanding and support in maintaining a fair and respectful content ecosystem on